Registration works best on a computer; if you are having trouble on a mobile device, try a desktop instead.


front desk: (360) 687-5433
Mon-Wed 10AM-5PM
Thurs 1PM-5PM

  • If it looks as though you don’t have a registration time available, you are probably in the wrong term. Be sure to select the correct term from the class registrations page.

  • If you get a message to “Please select a class in your age group” for a class that your child is old enough to take, double check their birthday is entered correctly in their profile. Any age exemptions must be approved by the teacher.

  • If you took classes last term and are unable to register, you may have a balance due on your account. Be sure you have paid last term’s balance in full before you register.

  • If a class you want is full, feel free to register your child on the waitlist. Teachers and volunteers get early access to registration.
