Registration 101
Become an FPHRC Member! Take our step-by-step course to guide you through the Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center registration on our custom database, GroupZu. Let’s get your family registered!
I'm Registered! Now what?
Step-by-step instruction on what to do now that you and your family are registered at FPHRC. Welcome to the Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center!
Step-by-step instruction on what to do now that you and your family are registered at FPHRC. Welcome to the Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center!
Registration works best on a computer; if you are having trouble on a mobile device, try a desktop instead.
email: hrc@firmlyplantedfamily.org
front desk: (360) 687-5433
Mon-Wed 10AM-5PM
Thurs 1PM-5PM
If it looks as though you don’t have a registration time available, you are probably in the wrong term. Be sure to select the correct term from the class registrations page.
If you get a message to “Please select a class in your age group” for a class that your child is old enough to take, double check their birthday is entered correctly in their profile. Any age exemptions must be approved by the teacher.
If you took classes last term and are unable to register, you may have a balance due on your account. Be sure you have paid last term’s balance in full before you register.
If a class you want is full, feel free to register your child on the waitlist. Teachers and volunteers get early access to registration.